
2024 Jul 13

Super Software: Web Browser

In the modern era, there’s no application more used on the personal computer than the web browser. Websites have long been applications themselves, not just documents, but now more than was ever expected exists as a website, even IDEs, video editors, and 3D CAD programs. This has been a boon for users of less supported operating systems, such as myself. With how much time we spend using them, it’s important that our browsers are tuned to our needs, so here’s what I’ve determined is best for mine.

2024 Jun 8

Two Degrees in Four Years

At the time of writing this, it’s been less than a month since my college graduation, so this fact is all over this site at the moment, but I’ll repeat it here: I have just graduated with two degrees, a BS in Computer Science and a BS in Economics. I did this in eight semesters, averaging fifteen credit hours per semester, which is both a normal length and a normal load for a full-time student getting one degree.